Some examples of circulated cover of Portugal 2015 with ATM dinosaur stamps.
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Regular (left) and Priority (right) letters sent from Lisbon to Germany at the date of stamps issue and canceled with commemorative postmark.
dinosaurs on FDC stamps of Portugal 2015 dinosaurs on signed FDC stamps of Portugal 2015
Regular (left) and Priority (right) letters sent from Porto inside of Portugal at the date of stamps issue and canceled with commemorative postmark.
dinosaurs on FDC stamps of Portugal 2015 dinosaurs on FDC stamps of Portugal 2015
Register letters sent from Lisbon to Germany at the date of stamps issue and canceled with commemorative postmark. Various letters, both regular and register sent from Portugal to Germany, canceled with regular postmarks
dinosaurs on FDC stamps of Portugal 2015 dinosaurs on signed FDC stamps of Portugal 2015

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