Some First Day Covers (FDC) with "Petrified forest of Chemnitz" stamps of Germany 2003
In additional to commemorative postmark of Bonn and Berlin the Museum of Natural History Chemnitz produced itsown commemorative postmark. Postmark of Berlin used on official FDC of Deutsche Post, postmark of Bonn used on Souvenir Sheet and postmark of the museum used on their FDC. All three postmark can be also seen on several personalized FDC and circulated letters.
Petrified forest of Chemnitz on commemorative potsmark of Berlin 2003 Petrified forest of Chemnitz on commemorative potsmark of Bonn 2003 Petrified forest of Chemnitz on commemorative potsmark of Chemnitz 2003
Offcial FDC of Deutsche Post FDC of Museum of Natural History Chemnitz signed by stamp designer Mr. Joachim Rie and Chemnitzer graphic designer and artist Evgeniy Potievsky who designed the first day cover.
Petrified forest of Chemnitz on FDC of Germany 2003 Petrified forest of Chemnitz on FDC of Germany 2003
Some personalized FDC
Petrified forest of Chemnitz on FDC of Germany 2003 Petrified forest of Chemnitz on FDC of Germany 2003
Some covers with commemorative postmarks sent on the day of stamp issue
Petrified forest of Chemnitz on FDC of Germany 2003 Petrified forest of Chemnitz on FDC of Germany 2003
Petrified forest of Chemnitz on FDC of Germany 2003

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